Tag Archives: coincidences?

That One Person

There is that one person in your life,

Who make yours better,

Simply by being there.

You don’t realize,

When you’ve drifted apart,

How bleak and gray things have become,

Until that one person comes back.

An explosion of

Life and laughter and happiness,

Take the place of

Solitude and silences.

The sun comes out from behind the clouds,

The storm clouds clear,

And you are legitimately happy once more.

The world around you,

Seems to fall into place.

Whether it’s luck 

Or coincidence,

Or karma trying to make up for the bitch it has been,

But things always seem to work out for the better.

And it’s only when you take a step back,

That you notice the pattern,

Of your life being better,

Whenever that one person is in your life.